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日: 2022年4月4日

Sxsw Short Film Requirements

Browse the following guidelines for features, short films, music videos, XR, title designs, episodics, and texas high school shorts. Once you`ve completed the checklist, submit your film today to showcase your masterpiece. SXSW Film looks forward to your work! Every year, the SXSW Film Festival offers the revolutionary buzz that all filmmakers dream of for the premiere of their project. While the majority of submissions are complete for 2022, Title Design and Texas High School Shorts are open until December 14. But before the last curtain raiser, be sure to see an extension of the Easter egg below. The SXSW Film team is in the middle of the screening and programming process, so know that the longer you wait to submit your film, the fewer free places there are in our program. Please keep this in mind when selecting the desired renewal date. Completing this form does not guarantee an extension of time. You can expect to receive a follow-up from SXSW within a week of submitting your application. At this point, we will inform you if your application has been approved or rejected and send you information to submit. Looking for inspiration? Curious about what the SXSW film crew is looking for? Browse the program of the last season 2021 and the winners of the film awards, including the filmmakers` acceptance videos.

All short films must be submitted via a secure URL link. Please note that if you change this link or any of your login information before March 2020 without contacting SXSW, your movie may no longer be eligible. Submit your film to the SXSW Online Film Festival, March 16-20, 2021, before the official submission deadline of October 28 at 11:59 p.m.m PT. As part of our offerings for 2021, this digital experience will include conferences and sessions, screenings, showcases, networking and exhibitions. Check out the following guidelines and film submission FAQ for specific questions about submitting your film, premiere status, eligibility, and more. Please submit your application when you are ready to send your film in as complete and finished a form as possible, as we will only see the first edit submitted. When you submit your film to the SXSW Film Festival, you have passed the hardest part: finishing your film! Now it`s time to tick all the boxes. Below are our guidelines for submitting your film by screening section to this year`s festival for SXSW Online.

If your short film was NOT screened in Austin, Texas, you can submit it to SXSW. More information on the status and eligibility of the former can be found here. The premiere status of your film is an important factor, so be sure to check the eligibility listed for your screening area. Check out the Film Submission FAQ for specific questions about submitting your film, premiere status, eligibility, and more. For specific questions about submitting your film, look no further than our Film Submission FAQ. Any questions? Feel free to send an email. The premiere status of your film is an important factor; However, due to these difficult times, we will be more flexible when it comes to first status for SXSW 2021. If all things are the same, the first one will get the place, but it is not absolute. We make exceptions for movies we love, no matter where they were shown. For example, our Favorites section of the 2020 Festival consisted of non-premieres.

Join a variety of filmmakers, fans, press and industry experts for nine days of discovery, creativity and innovation at the SXSW Film Festival. SXSW changed my life by introducing me to so many wonderful people I love working with and who inspire me today. After programming my first short film, the festival gave me the confidence to dedicate my life to cinema. Going to SXSW (with or without film) is like coming home. Janet and the entire film programming team have been true advocates for independent cinema and I can`t thank them enough for all their support over the past few years. If you have any questions about the SXSW Film Festival, please email us at and stay tuned to SXSW News and subscribe to our event newsletter for the latest updates. Recently, Janet Pierson, Film Director for SXSW, was joined by senior film programmers Jarod Neece and Claudette Godfrey for an AMA of film submissions ? watch the video to learn more about frequently asked questions. If you still have questions, feel free to send an email. The short film program consists of eight organized programs: narrative shorts, documentary shorts, animated shorts, midnight shorts, music videos, texas shorts, texas high school shorts, and title design competitions.

World Premiere: Your project was not screened in cinemas before SXSW, whether at a film festival or other public film exhibition with a ticket, and was not broadcast or broadcast on television or the Internet in any country before SXSW or broadcast via a home video or other public distribution platform (Blu-ray, DVD, streaming, VOD, etc.). Navigating the premiere status and eligibility of your film or project can be tricky, so before submitting your film to the film festival for SXSW Online, review the premiere status information and dive into the requirements for each screening section. For 2021, there are seven types of premiere status. This is an important factor, so be sure to check the admission requirements for your screening area. When submitting a short film to SXSW, please check three times if your film meets our requirements below. Don`t forget to check out our Film Submissions page for deadlines and additional fees. Once you have submitted your project, you will receive a confirmation email from SXSW within 48 hours. This email confirms that your film has been submitted correctly. If you do not receive this email within 48 hours, please send an email to to ensure that your film has been properly submitted and is being reviewed. SXSW does not accept pendants or coarse assemblies, but accepts work-in-progress cuts (locking the image with temporary sound, color, etc.).

Please note that SXSW does not display multiple updates/versions of your movie for programming. Showcase your film to the press, film industry and moviegoers at the SXSW Film Festival. To be eligible for SXSW 2021, your project must be completed in 2019, 2020 or early 2021. Please note that each submission category has different premiere and admission requirements ? read below and in our 2021 film submission guides for a full breakdown. If you have any questions about the film festival or the submission of your film, please send an email No premiere: Your project was screened at a film festival before SXSW in Austin, it was released in a country other than the United States via a television broadcast or theatrical screening before SXSW, or was broadcast on television or the Internet as part of a time-limited virtual festival. As part of our offerings for 2021, SXSW Online is a digital experience that includes keynotes and conference sessions, screenings, showcases, networking and exhibitions from March 16-20, 2021. . The SXSW Film Festival recognizes the following types of premiere status: To stay up to date with future announcements, program updates, and everything related to SXSW, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, and SXSW News. .

Taxation of Trusts in Uganda

Overview When thinking about trusts and taxes, it helps to consider the trust or board of directors as a separate taxpayer. Once this is recognized, it becomes reasonably clear that, for example, trustees pay tax on the income generated by the trust`s assets. Beneficiaries who receive income from a trust are then entitled to a tax credit against the tax paid by the trustees. (Note that the calculation of trustees` income tax is not verifiable.) The transfer of assets to a trust, like any other transfer of assets, is reminiscent of capital gains tax (CGT) and inheritance tax (IHT). Of course, both taxes must be taken into account again if ownership of the trust passes from trustees to a beneficiary. In both cases, it is important to apply the basic rules of both taxes ? the fact that the issue concerns trusts should not obscure the issue. (Note that the calculation of the CGT and IHT payable by trustees when transferring assets to a beneficiary is not verifiable.) A “naked trust” is not a trust for tax purposes at all. The term applies when the beneficiary of a trust has an absolute right to capital and income. Beneficial ownership of the trust`s assets belongs to the beneficiary, although it may be legally held by or “on behalf of” the trustees.

The most obvious example is when assets are held for the absolute benefit of a minor (who cannot legally own the asset). For examples of bare trusts, see the IHT Guide to Bare Trusts. Uganda`s Income Tax Act Cap 340 (ITA) levies income tax on corporations, partnerships, trusts and individuals residing or doing business in the country. The foregoing is subject to various deductions and exemptions under the MLCBI. People form trusts for many reasons, including those listed below: Currently, Uganda has double taxation treaties (DTAs) with nine countries: Denmark, India, Italy, Mauritius, the Netherlands, Norway, South Africa, the United Kingdom, and Zambia. The main objective of this DVB is to eliminate double taxation and facilitate the allocation of taxation rights. All these contracts contain legal provisions different from those provided for by the ATI. It is important to note that in the event of a conflict between the provisions of the ITA and the provisions of a particular DTA, the latter prevails because of the Constitution of Uganda, which obliges it to comply with international law and contractual obligations. Later in this article, we will briefly discuss the different types of trusts and then examine in detail the tax implications of using trusts. A foreign company operating in Uganda is subject to tax under the ITA. It depends on whether this foreign company derives its business income from sources in Uganda.

A foreign company operating through a branch is subject to Ugandan standard corporate income tax as well as an additional tax on profits returned to the country of origin or incorporation. The taxation of trusts is based on the personal tax system. Trusts are subject to the same taxes as individuals: income tax, capital gains tax and inheritance tax. However, the application of these taxes varies depending on the status and conditions of the trust. The decisive factor is usually the right of the beneficiaries. Other relevant factors include the date the trust was opened, the age of the beneficiaries and whether it was established during their lifetime or in their life or at the time of death. Therefore, the first step in determining how to tax a trust is to review the trust document to assess what type of trust it is. Companies are subject to a standard income tax rate of 30%. This applies to both resident and non-resident companies. A company is located in Uganda if it is incorporated or incorporated under Ugandan law, if it exercises administration and control over its affairs in Uganda, or if the majority of its activities are conducted in the country during the taxation year.

Residents are taxed on their global income, while non-residents are taxed only on Uganda`s national income. Note that Table 1 refers to a trust with an immediate interest after death. This is a special type of interest in the possession trust and is treated differently from all other trusts because the trust property is treated as the tenant`s lifelong property for estate tax purposes. Such trust can only be created upon the death of the grantor. A non-resident who wishes to start a business in Uganda can either set up a Ugandan company or operate directly through a foreign entity by simply registering as a branch of the foreign company. In general, Ugandan commercial vehicles include companies (limited or unlimited liability), partnerships (general or limited), sole proprietorships and trusts. However, the most common business tool for investments is the limited liability company. The responsibility for incorporation does not affect a company`s income tax. However, the nature of the tax liability is determined by the type of registration or transaction in Uganda. Therefore, when a foreign company operates in Uganda, it is taxed depending on whether it operates as a branch or subsidiary of that company. This is done regardless of the nationality of the directors.

Assuming there is no other income, the grandchild tax is zero, based on the distribution of ?11,364 as it is lower than the personal allowance. A person subject to excise duty must do so on the day the annual return is filed with the URA representative or, in the case of an assessment, pay within 45 days of receiving the notice of assessment. In the case of services, a person is required to pay either on the day the supply of the service is provided, the day of payment for the services or the day the invoice is issued. An importer pays customs duties at the time of importation. A trust is not a legal entity, although it is treated as such for Canadian tax purposes. A trust is simply the word used to describe the relationship that arises when property is transferred from one person (the “settlor”) to another (the “trustee”) to hold it in favour of certain persons or a group of persons (the “beneficiaries”). For zero-rate goods or services, a VAT rate of zero (0%) applies. These include, but are not limited to, medicines, medicines and medical services exported from Uganda in accordance with the Third Schedule of the VAT Act. The gross income of a resident partner for the income year includes the partner`s share of the partnership`s income for that year less the eligible deductions incurred to generate that income. The gross income of a non-resident partner for the income year includes the share of the partner`s income attributable to sources in Uganda.

In general, trustees are trusted family members or friends of the grantor, but they can also be professionals such as lawyers or accountants to ensure that all decisions are made in the best interests of the beneficiaries. Professional trustees, such as trusts, may require that a fee agreement setting out the terms of their remuneration be signed and included in the will or fiduciary document. Almost all exports to Uganda are exempt from taxes, with the exception of tobacco leaves, fish, fish mouth, gold and unprocessed skins. In addition, the grandchild is entitled to an income tax refund of ?5,114. This guide provides an overview of the trustee`s main powers and duties. While there is some overlap between them, the term “powers” usually refers to the discretionary or optional measures that trustees may take to maintain the trust and support beneficiaries. The goods and services subject to excise duty are set out in the Second Schedule to the Excise Duty Act 2014 in accordance with the excise duty set out therein. The person who provides such an excise service is required to pay tax on that service and liability arises on the day of delivery. The administrators (the grandparents) agree to make an income distribution of ?6,250 to the grandchild to pay the tuition fees.

In the case of non-resident companies, in addition to the payment of the usual corporate tax of 30%, a withholding tax rate of 15% is levied on a branch of a foreign company on the profit returned to the registered office. . . .

Tenancy Agreement Covid

Landlords may charge tenants a fee if the tenant wishes to end the tenancy prematurely, although this fee cannot exceed the loss suffered by the landlord or the reasonable cost to the landlord if they use one. The government`s guidelines on the Tenant Fees Act contain more information. Mediation can be faster and more cost-effective than legal action. It leaves the responsibility for the outcome to the tenant and landlord, not to a court. Early resolution of a dispute can also help prevent a break in tenant-landlord relationships and allow them to move to tenancy. If you live in accommodation provided by the local authority, you are an employee of the Council and your employment contract requires you to live in the accommodation to better perform your duties, your tenancy is a dangerous tenancy under the Housing Act 1985. These new provisions also do not apply to you. If there are disputes over rent or other issues, landlords and tenants may be asked to consider mediation. Mediation allows an independent third party to help the parties try to reach a mutually acceptable agreement to resolve their dispute without having to take the matter to court (see sections 1.23-1.26). Everyone involved in the resettlement process should follow the latest guidelines to remain vigilant and safe (social distancing) to minimize the spread of the virus.

Rental agencies, universities, and accommodation providers should also consider how best to conduct rental checks for new rentals while maintaining more comprehensive measurements. Tenants remain liable for the rental until the end of the fixed-term contract or, in the case of a legal periodic lease, until the expiry of the notice period required by the lease. Mediators or mediation services will have their own specialties, and it is important to discuss the details of the case with them to see if they can help. However, mediators who deal with disputes between landlords and tenants can usually help with a number of common issues such as rent arrears and contractual disagreements. Tenants must continue to terminate as required by their lease if they are to leave their tenancy. If they have to leave the property before an agreed departure date, they should talk to their landlord. If you have a disagreement with your landlord or tenant, you should try to discuss it with them as soon as possible. If there is a disagreement between a landlord and tenant that cannot be resolved by talking to each other directly, it may be helpful to use a mediator or mediation service. Tenants should also consider talking to a free and unbiased counselling service like Citizens Advice.

An early conversation between the landlord and tenant can help both parties agree on a plan if tenants are having trouble paying their rent. This may include entering into a temporary agreement, not filing a title application for a certain period of time and instead accepting a lower rent level, or agreeing on a plan to repay arrears at a later date. If a landlord chooses to serve a notice of termination in which they request possession of rent arrears, or if they have already done so, the notice period and any other measures may be affected by legislation extending the notice period (see section 1.8). For dismissals for anti-social behaviour, domestic violence, sedition and misrepresentation, the required notice periods have returned to their length before the Coronavirus Act 2020. In some cases, this means that proceedings for anti-social behaviour may be initiated immediately after service. The notice periods for these reasons vary differently, depending on the type of rental and the land used, between 2 weeks and 1 month. Mediation is a voluntary process, so both parties must want to use the service. In mediation, each party can summarize the main points of their case and reflect on what the other party has to say. A mediator helps both parties determine if they can both agree on how the dispute could be resolved.

Information about paid sick leave can be found at: landlords who receive notice to tenants about the impact of COVID-19 and have not applied for emergency rent assistance from the city or state must register with the Department of Housing (DOH) no later than the fifth day after a five-day notice period has been given. If you have a job that provides self-contained housing, but it is not a requirement for work and your landlord is not a local authority, you may have a tenancy governed by the Housing Act 1988. If this is the case, it will be covered by the amendment of the law. If tenants decide to leave their rented accommodation, they must meet their rental requirements, including termination. This usually includes informing the owner in writing of their intention to evict. The lease should indicate the notice that tenants must give to the landlord if they want to leave ? a one-month notice is typical. If landlords believe that their tenant has left the property but has not renounced the tenancy ? for example, by notifying them in writing and/or returning the keys to them ? they should check if they have left the property before taking any further action…