NEWS お知らせ
日: 2022年4月9日

University of Waterloo Faculty Collective Agreement

The University remains engaged in a five-year cyclical review of faculty salary anomalies to identify individual and systemic salary anomalies, as agreed to in a joint Provostial-FAUW Memorandum of Understanding signed on February 26, 2015. For the review, which will begin in 2025, the university will add the bold addition to the initial mandate of the Wage Anomalies Task Force: On February 5, 2021, members of the Renison Association of Academic Staff (RAAS) voted by an overwhelming majority (97%) to ratify the preliminary agreement reached on December 16, 2020. The provisional agreement was reached after nearly two and a half years of negotiations and more than 45 negotiating meetings. The Board of Governors of Renison University College, which is affiliated with the University of Waterloo, ratified the interim agreement in a unanimous vote in camera on January 27, 2021. The collective agreement is published on the RAAS website. The University is currently developing a strategy to collect equity data from all students, faculty and staff to strengthen its commitment to addressing systemic racism within the University. The development of this strategy includes consultations with stakeholders providing information on the appropriate use of data and possible restrictions on use. The university agrees on a target date of late 2021 for the launch of a collection of disaggregated data on the race and Indigenous affiliation of faculty members. If you are a librarian or a member of another faculty member (e.B at one of the colleges), please download a special membership form (PDF) authorizing payroll deductions and email your completed form to Laura McDonald. Please note that fauw is the official representative only of the regular faculty members employed at the University of Waterloo and we cannot officially represent other staff members to the university or university administration, regardless of your status as a FAUW member.

Establish a standardized, university-wide process to identify and resolve any faculty salary anomaly that may arise in the future, wherever they occur. 5. If no agreement has been reached before March 1, an arbitrator will be appointed. In Canada, membership in a union or association is not mandatory ? no one can be forced to join against their will, and there are various religious, ideological and political reasons why someone might oppose it. However, this has the potential to create “freeride” problems where only a fraction of employees pay dues to negotiate better wages and working conditions that benefit everyone. Legal compromise is a concept in Canadian labour law called the Rand formula (named after the Supreme Court justice who developed it) that requires workers covered by collective agreements to pay union dues, whether they are members or not. Even if fauw is not unionized, this aspect of labour law still applies to us as we are recognised as the only official negotiator of the faculty in terms of wages and working conditions. All faculty members represented by FAUW pay dues as a condition of their employment, whether they joined FAUW as a voting member or not. FAUW contributions amount to 0.525% of your base salary, calculated monthly and rounded up to the next five cents. CAUT and OCUFA membership fees are included. Part-time members will only be charged a CAUT and OCUFA x 1.5 part-time fee.

The Memorandum of Understanding between FAUW and the University provides a framework that governs all aspects of the relationship between the University and faculty members. The Memorandum of Understanding takes precedence over all policies and guidelines. 4. If the parties have until 1. An external mediator is appointed. (If both parties agree, mediation can be lifted.) fauW approval is required to create or modify university policies classified as “F” (faculty), “FS” (faculty and staff), or “A” (administration). Any policy that affects the faculty`s working conditions must be classified as F or FS. That`s not all. Visit the University of Waterloo Secretariat website to view all University policies and policies. Although all regular speakers pay a fee and are represented by the FAUW as members of the bargaining unit, it is optional to become a voting member of the association and you will need to complete a form to register. Membership gives you the right to vote in our elections and general meetings and allows you to increase the diversity of votes within our Board of Directors, The Board of Representatives and committees. “Investigate all cases where wage inequalities between faculty, including but not limited to gender, racialized and Indigenous inequalities, may exist, and recommend how such cases should be resolved with existing faculty anomaly funds; Review the processes by which salary anomalies are currently identified and resolved in each faculty; Membership is also open to other faculty members and professional librarians at the University of Waterloo and affiliated university colleges.

To become a member, you must complete a special membership form (PDF) that allows monthly payroll deductions. About 72% of regular speakers joined FAUW as voting members. You do not need to register to access FAUW services or participate in our events. If you are already represented by FAUW, you can register without changing your deductions. (We represent all those who have a regular appointment with the faculty, as well as some part-time faculties. For more details, see the Memorandum of Understanding.) In the Memorandum of Understanding, “member” refers to a member of the bargaining unit – all ordinary faculties that pay fees. If you have any questions, please contact Human Resources at or ext. 35935. The University, as previously agreed to by the Faculty Relations Committee (CRF), will form a policy drafting committee in accordance with Policy 1 to create a new MSDS policy for compassionate care and bereavement leave. 1. Until 15.

In June of the year preceding the end of the current settlement, the President of the FAUW and the President of the University must agree on a list of possible mediators and arbitrators. FAUW members are entitled to 4 weeks of bereavement leave with 100% of salary in the event of the death of their spouse/partner, child or son-in-law and 1 week of bereavement leave with 100% of salary in the event of the death of another immediate family member, such as . B a parent or sibling. If a member wishes to take a longer leave, he or she may contact his or her faculty dean in writing, who will decide whether or not to grant an extension of the agreement and will respond to the member in writing. The RAAS was created and its constitution adopted by a large majority on 12 February 2018. He received the 23rd. March 2020 certification under Ontario`s Labour Relations Act, making him the official negotiator for all academic staff who hold “tenure-track or tenure-track positions, who continue to hold faculty positions, professional librarians and those on fixed-term contracts, with the exception of academic staff employed in a session or course, library assistants, insolvent academic staff and administrators with the rank of academic deans, vice-presidents or above. 6. The arbitration proceedings shall commence before 15 March. One week before the hearing, each party submits a proposed settlement protocol.

The arbitrator is required to choose one of the two proposals, and that will be the new agreement. The University will ask the Pension and Benefits Committee (CBP) to provide FAUW members and their eligible parents (members) with a basic vision support plan (the plan). The plan provides for a reimbursement of $85 per participant every two years for eye exams. This plan is paid for by the university, which increases its annual contributions to the health benefits plan accordingly. The plan is retroactive to May 1, 2021, so reimbursements for eye exams performed on or after that date can be claimed after the plan is activated. The terms and conditions of the above plan may be amended or replaced by the terms of a new MSDS policy on compassionate care and bereavement sheets approved in accordance with Policy 1, provided that access to and amount of these benefits are not affected. 2. Until 15.

In November of the same year, each party must communicate to the other party the names of its chief negotiator and the other two members of its negotiating team. 3. Negotiations must start by 1 December at the latest. A new supplementary benefit plan for compassionate care leave (CLC) will come into effect no later than May 1, 2022. Details of CCL`s supplementary benefit plan are as follows: For fine print, please refer to the Memorandum of Understanding. Salary Settlement Protocol between the University of Waterloo (the University) and the University of Waterloo Faculty Association (FAUW) You may also contact our Communications Officer, Laura McDonald, for more information. You`ll receive a notification in Workday (and an email from the university) informing you of the availability of your T4. To find it later, go to the “Pay” section of Workday, then to “Tax Documents.” All other matters relating to the working conditions of our members are negotiated by the Faculty Relations Committee on the instructions of the Board of Directors. Vacation Exchange Program: The one-time salary adjustment of 2% in exchange for one week (5 days) of vacation for each year of participation will be extended as follows.


Used Car Sell Contract

This agreement, which is referred to in various terms, such as . B car purchase contract, usually contains information about the buyer, the dealer and the car itself. It also includes prices and how the vehicle is paid. Well, just below the language used in “III. No warranty ? Both parties agree on the money that is exchanged for the beneficial ownership. From the seller`s point of view, this means that if the property suddenly increases in value, he cannot ask for more money. For example, if a media event makes the purchased collectible more valuable, the seller cannot charge extra money afterwards. The Seller will accept this as a complete transaction that does not require any additional financing from the Buyer by signing the “Seller`s Signature” line, typing his signature in the “Date” line, and then printing his name on the last line (“Print”). This should only be done after the seller has received the full amount required for that purchase.

Two “Seller Signature” areas are displayed, but if others are involved, they must also sign this document via an attachment or on additional areas that you copy and paste into this section. From the buyer`s point of view, this sale is completed by his signature, which means that if the purchased item is defective or suddenly falls into a state of disrepair (that is, a purchased boat sinks due to poor hull integrity), it will absorb the loss. To complete this document, the buyer must sign his name in the line “Signature of the buyer”, this signature in the next line “Date” then “print” his name in the last empty line. There is enough space for two buyers to sign this document. If there are others, be sure to copy and paste other buyer signature lines or provide an attachment with the remaining signatures. An official contract is involved in the vast majority of car sales and acts as an agreement between you and a dealer in which you promise to pay the cost of the vehicle over time in addition to interest in installments, according to Ford. Here`s everything you need to know about a car purchase agreement in order to be ready to make a purchase. Car purchase contracts are often far from error-free, according to Trusted Choice, so it`s important that you look for the most common mistakes that could put you in a much weaker position.

Here are some red flags to watch out for: Used Car Purchase Agreement Seller Details Full Name: Address: Postal Code: Phone Number: Buyer Details Full Name: Address: Postal Code: Phone Number: Vehicle Details Make: Model: Year: Color: License Plate: Current Mileage (confirmed by. If you want to buy a used car, the purchase contract will be a little different, but it still serves the same purpose by acting as an agreement between the seller and the buyer. If you don`t need to finance the used car and buy it directly, the only contract you need is the purchase contract, as explained by Trusted Choice. This is often used by private parties when buying vehicles in which no dealer is involved. Go through the added options and make sure that all these requested items are present. If you find items that you did not request at the time of purchase, underline that item and deduct its amount from the total amount. Or ask the seller again to reprint the contract with the correct changes. If you think the mistake you made was intentional, take your business to another retailer.

Keep all of these things in mind as you go through your car sales contract. Before buying a car, the buyer should know the requirements before buying. All this is included in the contractual document. However, before signing, make sure that all the information on the document is correct. Let`s talk about what you need to watch out before you put your signature. Armed with this knowledge, you are in a much better position to understand the car purchase agreement and get the most out of it when you make a purchase. Remember, according to CarsDirect, it`s always best to ask the seller for all the details of your contract that you don`t understand or seem wrong. It is usually common to provide information about the buyer and seller at the beginning of the proof of purchase. The information it contains includes that the dealer name is called the seller and your name as the buyer; vehicle information: manufacturer, make, model, model year, chassis number, mileage. All this data must be checked in detail to ensure that everything matches the information of the vehicle you are buying.

Here`s everything you need to know about a car purchase agreement in order to be ready to make a purchase. Note that the purchase contract is a binding contract; It obliges the buyer to comply with the conditions set out in this document. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that the agreement is carefully reviewed before it is signed. .

Vehicle Use Agreement Employee

A blank driving record means that the employee has not been held responsible for a car accident or arrested for violating the Highway Code and the Highway Code. [Company Name] may assign and revoke access to the Company`s vehicles in its sole discretion. [Company Name] [does not/does not authorize on a case-by-case basis] the personal use of company vehicles. Personal use includes the use of the vehicle for personal errands between business activities, travel between work and home, or use of the vehicle outside of business hours.** [All workplace safety rules continue to apply when a company vehicle is used for personal use.] ** Employees with disabilities may also be eligible for company cars and parking. We are also willing to take reasonable precautions to facilitate the use of the company vehicle. Employees who take medications that seriously impair their sense of direction, vision or reflexes may not be allowed to drive a company car. We may dismiss an employee and/or take legal action for more serious crimes if necessary. This may include renting a company car for personal financial gain or causing an accident while driving under the influence of alcohol. If you have not been assigned a company vehicle and you think you need it, contact Human Resources. A road safety policy describes specific rules for people who use cars from a company or organization. These often prescribe regular vehicle maintenance, seat belt use and prohibit the use of mobile phones, alcohol and medicines that impair the ability to drive.

To be eligible for a company vehicle, employees must complete a form and submit a copy of their driver`s license. Employees are only allowed to drive a company car if they have had a valid driver`s license and a clean driving record for at least [X years]. Allowing employees to use a company vehicle in person is a burden on businesses, but it`s also a benefit that helps attract and retain employees. Companies must indicate in their vehicle policy whether personal use is permitted and that the company`s safety rules continue to apply during the period of personal use. We expect employees who drive company vehicles to abide by the rules. You should: In most cases, our company will determine which employees are assigned to company cars. Employees who are not assigned to company cars but believe they need them can discuss this with their supervisor or contact our [Human Resources (HR)]. Employees who violate the Company`s vehicle rules are subject to disciplinary action, which may include verbal and written warnings, suspension of vehicle privileges, termination and legal action. Cars are harmful to our environment and expensive to use. We will try to provide employees with environmentally friendly cars wherever possible. We also expect our employees to use the company cars assigned to them in a reasonable manner, taking into account the environmental impact.

Examples of cases where the use of company cars is not necessary: If employees are involved in an accident with a company car, they should immediately contact our human resources department so that we can contact our insurer. Employees must not assume responsibility or guarantee payment to another party in the event of an accident without the approval of the company. Our employees are only allowed to drive a company car if: This policy applies to all our employees who are eligible to receive a company car and to those who drive one as part of their daily work duties. According to the IRS, if you use a vehicle solely for business purposes, you can deduct all of its operating costs, subject to limits. If you use the car for professional and personal purposes, you can only deduct the cost of professional use. Employees may be eligible for a company vehicle if they want to travel miles or more per year for business purposes, need a company vehicle for their daily work, or receive the use of a vehicle as a benefit. Employees who are tired and/or sick should avoid driving if they feel their ability to drive is impaired. If an illness occurs during a business trip that requires the use of a company car, employees should take regular breaks while driving or, if necessary, ask HR for overnight accommodation. Commuter Rating ? Determine the value of a vehicle by multiplying each one-way ticket by $1.50.

Annual Lease Assessment ? Determine the market value of the vehicle by multiplying the annual rental value by the percentage of miles driven for personal use. We reserve the right to revoke or transfer company vehicles at our sole discretion. We want to make sure that all our employees are safe at work and maintain the legality of our business. For these reasons we will: Our company car policy describes our guidelines for the use of company cars. A “company car” is any type of vehicle that our company assigns to employees to meet their transportation needs for their work. Company cars are part of our business and we want to make sure our employees use them properly. To use the actual expense method, you need to determine the cost of operating the vehicle for the portion of the total use of the vehicle for business purposes. These include gas, oil, repairs, insurance, etc., which account for the share of total miles spent on commercial purposes. General Assessment ? This is the price the employee would pay to lease the vehicle at the same geographic location for the same duration. If employees have their driver`s license revoked or revoked, they must inform our [human resources] department. We will reassign their company car until they are allowed to drive in accordance with our policy (maintaining a clean driving record for at least [X years]). Companies are responsible for tickets if they are issued against the vehicle.

If they are given to an employee, the employee is responsible for payment. [Company Name] will take reasonable precautions to facilitate the use of the Company vehicle by eligible employees with disabilities. No, employees must meet certain criteria to be eligible for a company vehicle. For example, they first need a valid driver`s license and a blank driving record for a certain period of time. To use the standard mileage rate of a vehicle you own, you must use the vehicle within the first year of purchase. If you rent a vehicle and choose the standard mileage method, you must use the rate for the entire duration of the rental, including renewals. If an employee uses a company vehicle for personal use, this is considered a taxable side effect. Personal use includes commuting or returning, shopping, or allowing a spouse or family member to use the vehicle. The [Company Name] policy for company vehicles gives employees guidelines for the acquisition, qualification and use of a company vehicle. A “company vehicle” is any vehicle that [company name] assigns to employees. This policy applies to all employees who use a company vehicle and applies during and outside of working hours.

A company vehicle policy or agreement on the use of company vehicles determines which employees are eligible for a company fleet vehicle. It also describes the qualification requirements for a company car, the basic rules that employees must follow when operating company vehicles, and disciplinary measures in case of misuse of vehicles. Employees must follow legal guidelines to exchange information with other drivers and call the local police if accidents are serious. Employees who can be assigned a company car fall into three categories: you can do so by calculating the amount of your deductible car costs using the standard mileage or the actual expense method. Employees face disciplinary consequences if they do not comply with the rules of this policy. In the case of minor offences, such as. B.dem allowing unauthorized persons to drive a company car or receiving more than [two] fines, we can file complaints and ultimately revoke the company car. Employees must complete a form and submit a copy of their driver`s license to be eligible for a company car. In the event of an accident, contact the human resources department immediately.

You will contact the insurer. Follow legal guidelines to exchange information with other drivers and report the accident to the local police if necessary. Do not guarantee payment and assume no liability without the authorization of the company. Cents per mile rule ? Multiply the number of personal miles driven by the standard mileage rate of $0.58 per mile (starting in 2019). If you do not provide fuel, reduce the rate by 5.5 cents. Employees are allowed to drive their assigned company cars outside of working hours, but must always follow this policy. . This company car policy template can be customized to meet the needs of your business.

Use it as a starting point to create your employment policy. Drivers are responsible for bringing their company cars with them for any maintenance work our company is planning. For more information, see the IRS Employer Tax Guide on Benefits. We keep records of our fleet with the date of manufacture and mileage. We will remove any car that is considered too old or too mileage. Workable is an all-in-one recruitment software. Find and evaluate candidates, track candidates, and work with your hiring teams. .